About Nova Capital

Thinking ahead of the curve. Anticipation. Insight. These are the attributes required to operate successfully in today’s global markets. These are the attributes that define Nova Capital Global Markets. For over a decade, Nova has brought cutting edge Investment Banking services to both publically traded and privately-held companies in over 40 countries around the world.

While widely known for our extensive presence in Africa, Nova has additionally operated in many of the world’s leading emerging markets across four continents. Countries such as Russia, Turkey, Croatia, Singapore, and Brazil are all markets that we operate in providing top flight “cross-border” investment banking services to our clients there.


We pride ourselves in understanding not only the varied economies in these countries, but on having a keen insight into the people, cultural nuances, and the political and security risk that are ever-present in these markets as well. Invariably, it is the attention to these details that often are the difference makers in the success or failure of a transaction.

With banking teams comprised of professionals from multiple countries, Nova brings the cultural sensitivity, insight, and experience necessary to complete transactions on behalf of our clients in all parts of the world.